Selected Projects


Building Low-Resource NER Models Using Non-Speaker Annotations | Paper | Github
DaSH-LA Workshop, NAACL (2021)
Best Paper Award

University of Pennsylvania LoReHLT 2019 Submission | Paper
LoReHLT Evaluations (2019)

Other Projects

Blog-App: A Reddit-like Web Application | Project Wiki | Github
Final Project for CIS 557: Programming for the Web (2021)

Generating Place of Birth Crosswalk for the Census Numident | Report Slides
Summer Data Science Project as Civic Digital Fellow at Bureau of the Census (2021)

Low-Resource Machine Translation of Uyghur | Paper | Github
Final Project for CIS 530: Computational Linguistics (2021)

Semantic Role Labeling of Prepositions | Paper | Github
Independent Study under Professor Dan Roth (2020)

Les RĂ©seau Neuronal Vertes Incolores | Paper
Final Project for LING 270: Language Acquisition (2020)

ParkPal: Your Interactive Guide to US National Parks | Paper | Github
Final Project for CIS 550: Database & Information Systems (2020)

Classification in Political Twitter | Paper
Final Project for CIS 519: Applied Machine Learning (2020)