At the Graduate Level
- CIS 502: Analysis of Algorithms
- CIS 511: Theory of Computation
- CIS 519: Applied Machine Learning
- CIS 523: Ethical Algorithm Design
- CIS 530: Computational Linguistics
- CIS 550: Database & Information Systems
- CIS 557: Programming for the Web
- CIS 571: Computer Organization & Design
- EDUC 552: Videogames & Virtual Worlds as Teaching Tools
- ESE 544: Project Management
- LAW 577: Internet Law
- MATH 513: Computational Linear Algebra
At the Undergraduate Level
- CIS 099: Independent Study
- CIS 110: Intro to Computer Programming
- CIS 120: Computer Programming Techniques
- CIS 140: Intro to Cognitive Science
- CIS 160: Discrete Math
- CIS 121: Datastructures & Algorithms
- CIS 240: Intro to Computer Systems
- CIS 262: Automata, Computability, & Complexity
- CIS 320: Algorithms
- MATH 104: Calculus I
- MATH 116: Honors Calculus
- MATH 240: Linear Algebra & Differential Equations
- ESE 301: Engineering Probability & Statistics
- ECON 001: Intro to Microeconomics
- ECON 002: Intro to Macroeconomics
- OIDD 290: Decision Processes
- PSYC 001: Intro to Experimental Psych
- PSYC 170: Social Psychology
- LING 106: Formal Linguistics
- LING 151: Language & Thought
- LING 250: Syntax
- LING 270: Language Acquisition
- BIBB 030: Neurobiology of Brain Disorders
- BIBB 249: Intro to Cognitive Neuroscience
- PHIL 002: Philosophical Ethics
- PHIL 004: History of Modern Philosophy
- CIMS 102: World Film History
- GSWS 001: Gender & Society
- HIST 135: Cold War: A Global History
- LATN 204: Intermediate Latin Poetry
- PHYS 101: General Physics with Lab
- ENVS 100: Intro to Environmental Science
- ASTR 006: Solarsystems & Exoplanets